One Plus None.

I recently got dumped (my mother is very proud she raised a winner). In turn, this also means that by default I became single. This bothers me, because at no point was I aware that I was ever a 'double'. Admittedly, I am often too much for some- I'll go straight to your head and make you declare your love for the whole wide world before you throw up on your new 'shag me' shoes and pass out in the loo- but to quantify myself like a drinks measure hardly seems fair. I might start referring to myself as a split mixer or lager top, as in 'SWF w. GSOH WTLM three quarters of a chilled Kronenberg pint whom desires nothing more than a squirt of lemonade to take them to the required legal serving as dictated by our great Queen under her Majesty's weights and measures act of 1963'. Bit catchier than just my name, isn't it? Hand-in-hand with newfound singledom (* groan *) is several instances of bizarre, teenage-like behaviour that I fear may just be the begin...