This Post Is So Long It Might Hit Your Cervix.

I recently sat opposite a very lovely boy someone over dinner who told me quite charmingly that I was interesting . He'd never eaten so slowly, he told me, as he did sat opposite me. I made him talk, he said, and think, and he wanted to hear me talk about what I had been thinking. And even though it was a big old plate of chicken in front of him that he was neglecting- and chicken is his favourite- HE DIDN'T CARE. I laughed right in his face. "Yes," I replied. "Many a man thinks me amusing for the one meal, but pretty much by dessert they decide I'm just plain hard work." Calum has told me this before. We have a grand old time together, but he told me once that after he has been with me- no matter for what length of time- he always needs a lie down. I told him I didn't know what he was talking about, but then I am writing this in the library where I am supposed to be writing some Spoken Word poetry, but instead I keep making him watch YouTube videos...