A Note About Reading
I’m a culture bully. If there’s something in my life that’s touched me, or made me laugh, something that’s forced me to think or change or puts into words the whatsitmabob I’ve always cloudily considered but couldn’t verbalise myself, then I will peer-pressure the fuck out of you until you love it too. See: the Lean In movement , Brixton Market on a Sunday, Marina Abramović , Whitney Houston's everything , power ballad club nights , extended critical analysis of GIRLS and butter . It’s an isolating trait. At school we once went on a class trip to see a performance of Electra and guys. The set! The production! The layers that unfurled themselves to you if only you paid attention! THAT GUY WHO PLAYED THE BROTHER! It truly rocked my world, and I needed to talk about it. But the day after the trip nobody had anything to say. It was largely the teacher and me who dissected the magic in class feedback. At the lesson’s end I picked up a crumpled piece of paper on the desk beside mine ...