On Turning Twenty-Eight

That was some birthday dinner Fuck it. Give in to what feels good. 28 for 28, then, as a way to guide this coming year. Your time is now, baby. It always was. 1. You’ve fallen in love with taking care of yourself this year, and it’s changed everything. You will, of course, forget that you ever learnt these lessons and ultimately you’ll gain a few pounds, or won’t work out, or skip eight hours a night, because you couldn’t not. That’s okay. Forgive yourself imperfection and then get back on the bandwagon. That’s what matters, love. NBD. 2. Don’t get another full-time office job, whatever you do. It ain’t you . Go lay down your own path like a big girl in charge of herself. Everyone knows that you can. 3. Boys – men – happen. Remember to keep casual sex respectful, because it is so much more enjoyable that way, sugartits. And when the time comes that maybe – just maybe – there’s one worth becoming exclusive with, speak up. He’s not a mind reader. 4. Whilst we’re talking about respect, t...