Be Less Likeable

I know what they say about me. She fancies herself a bit, doesn’t she? She must get money from her parents – she doesn’t have a "proper" job, and is always travelling somewhere. There’s no way she’s as nice as she tries to make out. She was so rude to my friend {insert name here} and she doesn’t even talk to {insert second name here} anymore . She’s unreliable. She changes her mind all the time. It’s gross that she’s always posting about other people – stop brown-nosing already! All of her friends are way more successful than her. She’s a social climber for sure. She needs to shut up about her vagina. For a girl with that many selfies, she’s not even hot. Who even cares what she thinks? She makes out like her life is this series of beautiful, poetic moments, like she never spends the weekend in her pyjamas eating day-old pizza. There’s a lot of people out there (enough people, at least) who a) out-and-out do not like me b) are jealous of me, and so do not like me or, c) thin...