Some People Try To Keep Us Small - Just Like Them

There is an internet forum dedicated to shit-talking me. I didn’t find it on purpose. I found it because a particular link was sending hundreds of readers my way, and I was all, huh? Je ne understand pas. I don’t really track my blog traffic, because I think it’s too easy to get caught up in how many people are reading, over, say, just writing my truth and having people make of it what they may. That’s why I don’t have comments, either. Because I don’t want people’s perception of me to alter my perception of myself. I’m not in the game of humanness to be likeable . I’m a fucking asshole, and exploring that is half the battle. Getting caught up on the opinions of others is an easy thing to do - when it is bad, but also when it is good. Offline, where it counts, especially, but definitely online, where, even though it is as authentic a truth as I can make it, is still just a snapshot of a wider life. You know? I love writing online and the blog and all the social media that c...