Lose The Weight

1. clean out your ears I thought I’d misheard him. I must’ve. Maybe it was the language barrier. Surely nobody would say that. Lose the weight. He moved around the swelteringly hot yoga hall adjusting the other women in the room – women who were, I had noticed, twenty, thirty, and forty pounds slimmer than me. Of course I'd noticed that. I wasn’t threatened by it, or upset. I’ve worked hard for the body image I’ve got , and I’m only in the business of doing me. But: other women’s bodies are not invisible, and I do not know in which incarnation of myself I will be evolved so as not to spot the chic with the chaturanga arms or Jessica Alba abs. That’s just how it is. That’s just how it is. 2. short-term gluttony as a vice There’s not a singular reason why, on my arrival back home, I temporarily stopped being healthful. There’s seldom a single reason for any behaviour, is there? I sat in mama’s She Shed and ate Kit Kats – I cannot name a number (will not) - because I “dese...