Do Not Change

Darling Laura: some things for 2017. It’s that time again. Go to bed early. Stretch every day. Food is fuel, first. Wank. Stay soft. Be generous, but not a mug. Believe him when he tells you what he is. Call home. Take the flight. Expect nothing, experience it all. Miss people. Light a candle, lose a day to reading, photograph things just because. Wear red lipstick and eat with your fingers and laugh, loudly and without apology. Do not change. For 2017, do not make promises to yourself on how when you fix this and alter that, you will love yourself more. For 2017, forget pushing and becoming and targets and goals. For 2017, be. The woman you are is already enough. She always was. You do not need to be thinner, or bendier, or take a biotic culture supplement every morning. You are not more loveable by having inbox zero, nor more likely to get into heaven because you spent £35 on the good shampoo. Your family adore and respect you whether you sell three books or three million. The world ...