Gynecology Rules.

Being a female of the species is pretty hard going stuff.

The trials and tribulations are oft documented in friendly media magazines and newspapers. I've grown up with Girl Power, reading articles weighing up the pros and cons of first date sex, the arguments for and against career over motherhood, why skinny celebrities are the downfall of modern society juxtaposed with double page spreads on how to lose weight now, how to be happy, how to nab the perfect guy, why we don't need men, how to love ourselves, how to identify our flaws. The list goes on.

One can digest these issues over the morning coffee and croissant and forget about most of them just as we stumble not only through the front door but through life, too.

There is one issue though, that defies media coverage, and that is thus: what to do when one has got a sunburnt vagina.

On typing "I've burnt my vagina" into Google I realise there are a lot of people a lot worse off than I but still, that changes nothing. Nobody wants to be the girl with the burnt vagina. Nor does anybody want to be the person that types 'vagina' into their blogpost more than once. Oh dear.

It started out with good intentions. I'm a young, not altogether unfortunate looking, single lady. Until last week I was also a young, not altogether unfortunate looking, single girl with pubic hair that could be dreadlocked down to the knees and smoke it's own dooby whilst telling hoarse-voiced jokes about the time it fought in 'Nam.

So I decided, because these magazine articles tell me that I can take charge of my own body, that it is mine and I can do with it what I will, to get the whole lot taken off. Well that, and the fact that it is supposed to make you feel sexy as hell and I had a date I wanted to *ahem* be prepared for.

The experience was akin only to the time I got a coil fitted, which was like having a cocktail umbrella opened up in my hee-haaw. Ouch.

I should have known it would all get quite intense when she told me take off my knickers and didn't give me anything else to put on. By the time she asked me to lay face down and do a 'Swan Lake' I was so afraid of the wax on my nether regions I daren't do anything but agree and part ways.

I am now bald, not to mention relived that it is over. The feeling sexy thing? That just seems like a bonus now. I'm just glad I made it out of there alive. When somebody asks you to pull your clitoris in one direction and dangle your leg off a raised bed in other, you know it is a situation that will not end happily if one of you has muslin strips and rubber gloves on.

What I didn't fully appreciate, however, was that minus such a big part of myself was to be a concern after a session in a tancab. I'm not a tanorexic, don't get me wrong, but of late I have taken to eight minutes twice a week to get my skin used the sun it will be subjected to for nine hours a day, seven days a week come the summer and my stint working in Italy. Yes it is bad for you and and Daily Mail readers out there will be tutting and shaking their heads as I type but as with sex I practice safe tanning so lecture me not, says I. Thank you for your understanding.

Several hours after stripping off for a bit of vitamin D I realised I felt slightly... uncomfortable. Things were throbbing slightly. I felt warm. I couldn't sit down properly unless it was just so. And then it dawned on me.

I had burnt my vagina in the tancab.

For anyone whom did not get that the first time, I HAD BURNT MY VAGINA IN THE TANCAB. Holy jesus.

I had burnt THAT, and THERE.

The only advice I have been able to muster is that lime juice hurts. I do not know this from personal experience- I may have been stupid enough to burn my vagina but even I know that is a bad idea. Isn't it...?

I don't much fancy cucumber for relief, as the connotations of that go far beyond what I am prepared to do and I like to eat natural yoghurt, not bathe in it. I suspect this is something that I am going to have to just sit out. Pun intended.

Pardon me then whilst I go find a cold compress, and a place to bury my head for the rest of eternity. Burning my vagina. I may as well surrender to my stupidity now.

Oh wait- I think I already did that.


  1. Try Nivea Lotion, the thick cream that comes in a blue tin. I cannot say I have been burned there, much less publicly exposed - but the rest of me burns something fierce and no, I don't tan after the burned skin peels away. Nivea was soothing and cooling to my arms and for *ahem* there...well...I wouldn't get too carried away with it. Cucumber/yoghurt will work.

    eek! Baking soda and cool water...that helps hot feet. LOL!
    Oh Laura, I don't know. I do know that you are destined for great things. No one could do this AND handle it with class like you have.

  2. Oi! I just now saw you quoted me - ohmygosh, I feel so honored!!!

    Thank you! I meant every word! :D

    I am all flushed and giddy about it! :D In fact it took me forever to type this, in my excited buzz I kept making ridiculous misspellings.

  3. (okay hang on give me a minute first...oh.. my...)

    Try aloe vera gel, it works on other burns and it's non-chemical so it should be okay down there.

  4. This was actually remarkably enlightening. Cute and adorable, but also indeed enlightening. I have never read an explanation of the entire process. Sort of thing that should make a lot of blokes a lot more appreciative.
    It is so nice to read you again. I have always been in love with your wicked wit and candour.

  5. Well worth the wait of nearly a month and what a brave post to do now that its not anonymous, you'll have people you have never met coming up to you with suggestions of help!
    Now about this hot date??????

  6. Jen- I should be thanking you my friend! x

    Marjolein- aint nowt getting near my bits, but thanks for the advice all the same!

    Ian- glad to be of informative service! And thank you for your kind words.

    Brett- don't even get me started on dating... are there any NORMAL blokes out there...??? p.s. sorry for the wait! x

  7. You poor woman, this is awful (but I couldn't help laughing a wee bit as I read)! Jesus, must be painful as hell, take good care. Last time I was here you weren't single, I hope that is not as painful as the other thing...

  8. LOL I'm sorry I know a burn vagina isn't funny (not that I've ever burn mine) but your description of the 'waxing' was just too much! ROFLMAO

    Try Aloe Vera Gel on your tush it's fantastic on burns. :)

  9. I live in Arizona and, (cough), don't know first hand but know the remedy. Find a live aloe vera plant as quickly as possible, break off a pointy end, squeeze the juice onto your finger and rub it down there copiously.

  10. I meant rub the juice down there, not the pointy end. Oh mee Goddess.

  11. nmj- on a scale of one to burnt vagina? Singledom comes in at three. x

    Ake- Fortunately, I can see the funny side too x

    Pouty- good job I read the second part of that before things got nasty! x

  12. Phew! That was too close for comfort.

  13. Does the fact that you are single now give you more "space" to blog?Good!

  14. Pouty lips- :)

    Retired- Bless you! Thanks for the enthusiasm! x

  15. Pouty lips- :)

    Retired- Bless you! Thanks for the enthusiasm! x

  16. You have just single-handedly, or would that be single-vaginadly, put the waxing it business into a recession. Now that I know what it entails, I assure you, I will never even think about having it done.

    Hope the Aloe works.

  17. I, too, have (and am pleased to say STILL have) pubic hair you could feed and buy a cage for. It has been the bain (bane?)of my life - and a reason I would NEVER go on a nudist beach. Boobs yes. Pubes no. A lover once described it as Botticelli-esque (I believe his previous partner was blond - lucky bitch). I think I was supposed to be flattered. Instead I just winced. But hey, let some schmuck loose on it with the muslins and the hot wax (let alone the latex gloves)? OVER MY DEAD BODY!!!

    Having had my once gloriously complete fanny split in numerous directions through childbirth, I would recommend a bidet in warm water with lavender oil added. If you have no bidet, a basin will do (I'm imagining the scene now - oh God, no, don't take me as a raving lesbo: no, no, no, not in a kinky way, just in a fascinated laughy sort of way). Moving swiftly on, lavender oil is fantastic for cuts, grazes and burns and can be applied direct (though I wouldn't recommend it slapped neat on a burning vag - it would burn a whole lot more. Sensitive tissue and all that. No, I don't mean Kleenex Aloe Vera, I mean in the biological sense. Of course.)

    Pricks inserted into vaginas? What was Pouty Lips thinking? This is getting way out of hand. Tsk, tsk. I'll tell your mother.

  18. Oh dear, oh dear! Whilst this is obviously a serious problem the writing is so well done it did make me titter just a little!
    I hope you are well on the way to recovery but if not can I join in by saying that aloe vera rules, tea tree oil in the bath soothed stitches and various sore bits after all three of my babies ravaged my bits!
    Have recently taken to epilation, definitely the way go and you can scream in the sanctuary of your own home.
    Sounds like things are on the up for you, well deserved and watch out Daily Mail, incidentally I know one of their puzzle compilers, a fine lass!

  19. Although I feel bad for your pain, this blog entry was quite hilarious! Aloe gel is very soothing, which makes it perfect for "sensitive" areas. I appreciate your bravery in sharing this story!!

  20. Sudocreme. It might suggest that it is for nappy rash but it is a blessing for all things sore and delicate.

    I blogged about a painful waxing experience in Asia. When the waxist starts laughing its time to leave...

  21. Ice, aloe vera and pure lavender essential oil will take out most burns in a half an hour. It really works. BTW, couldn't stop laughing...

  22. SAV- I've never 'single-vaginedly' done anything! Wow!

    Her on the Hill- You've out me off childbirth forever. Thanking you! I'll have to do an SJP now.

    Mel- it was designed to make you laugh so I guess my work here is done!

    SOL- my pain is your gain my friend x

    Mud- Superb advice that I will try to remember next time I have my dignity stripped from me.

    Marguaritte- well at least some good came outta the experience then. Laughter!

  23. How could it have got burnt, LJ? You weren't doing a beaver shot under the rays - were you? Or did it just penetrate the skin (just, yeh just - like it wouldn't be excruciating).

    you poor thing with your sore fou fou

  24. FF- Froufrou? That is what you call you thing? That is what i call my best friend! HAHAHAHAHA. Sorry, I just find that really funny. Next time I'll just say, 'Hey! Vagina!'


  25. This is hilarious! Sorry, but it is.

    Just visiting from Just Me's blog :-)

  26. Actually I didn't come from Just Me's blog. Ignore that. I came from Daisy's blog.

  27. I am so pleased I found your blog Laura! You one brave cookie to have it done in the first place but then to write about it in such detail - I love it!
    I once tried to wax all mine off the day before meeting new boyfriend for a saucy weekend. I had to call my friends with the options - do I: a) tell him the truth that my foo looks like a fresh plucked turkey, b) say nothing and hope he doesn't notice the turkey imitation or c) make a joke of the situation and warn him.
    I went with c. I no longer wax.

  28. Bevchen- I hope that you stop by again, then!

    Jo- You no longer wax? YOU NO LONGER WAX? Crikey. Still, you did say nice things about stopping by here so I guess we can be friends. Hairy mary and all x

  29. Can this be a new addition to The Vagina Monoglogues? Someone calling Eve! I'm hoping on your followers list. Because you are hilarious.

  30. apple cider vinegar is good for that. Trust me, I've been there.

    I'm sorry to hear you toasted your muffin.

  31. Lora- "toasted my muffin"... ohmygod I cannot believe I didnt already come up with that one! x


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