Watch Yourself.

I shouldn't be let loose in public alone. I just shouldn't.

It is a notion that occurred to me when I was at the bank last week. The nice chap looking after me- the obligatory, just-out-of-school, very-bad-skinned, Jesus-why-don't-you-cut-your-nails-for-crying-out-loud new boy with a bad haircut- had just offered me a credit card.

Knowing he could see my balance on his screen I laughed at him. Out loud. He stared at me. It dawned on me that he wasn't joking. "I can't have a credit card," I told him. "I have no self control".

"Ah, yes madam," he countered, "But you see with the offer we have today you have 56 days interest free to pay back what you borrow".

"Ah, yes," I said back to him, "But you see, I won't pay it back. I'll buy a plane ticket somewhere, draw the rest out as cash, and deal with any consequences later. Or never."

The chap narrowed his eyes at me. "I'm just being honest," I explained. "I have no self-control, and that is the first step toward dealing with it. I never have had self-control. I have no inner superego to calm my ID. Boys, chocolate, money... boys... urm, boys again... Can't do it. Can't say no. But I'll say it to you. No".

The chap opened his mouth, and then closed it again. Then he re-opened it, took a breath, furrowed his brow and finally said, "That is quite intense".

"I know," I told him. "Can I go now?"

I don't know what it is about me that means I am unable to control my inner desires. Literally, as I type this I am waiting for Pizza Hut to deliver a stuffed-crust Margarita that I have justified to myself because I'll read The Guardian cover-to-cover whilst I eat it and only drink fizzy water instead of a Coke. Plus, I have a really bad cold. So bad that I've been one of those people that breathes out of their mouth all week. If I cooked for myself I'd only breathe all over what I made and then re-infect myself, most probably causing death or at the very least mutilation, and I leave for my summer job in two days. I need to be mutilation-free.

Further suspicions of general unsuitability to be out-of-doors unsupervised came with a trip to the doctor. Look, there is no polite way to say this, but it was a check-up after my coil got fitted. Long story short is I WANT SEX BUT I DON'T WANT A BABY. You see? What kind of person blogs that? It is because I am home alone. There isn't anybody to watch me.

"Have you had sex since we put in it?" the doctor asked me. I hesitated.

"Yes," I answered. She wasn't going to tell my mother, was she? I didn't dare say anything else as she had her fist in my hee-haw. The upper hand, so to speak.

"And will your partner be going to Italy with you this summer?" she asked, referring to my summer job.

I peered over my knees at her. "I... I don't have a partner. That is sort of the point of what we're doing here," I said, motioning with my head to the job at hand. I saw what I was saying dawn on her.

"Oooooh! You're a slut! You sleep around! Sorry, I see!" she said.

Well, actually, she didn't say anything. But she didn't have to. We carried on in awkward silence whilst I pathetically suffered her judgement.

As I got up to leave the doctor said, "Maybe you'd like some of these for your trip," and she filled a carrier bag with Durex. I was too embarrassed to say anything. "Plenty of fun in there," she said, and winked.

I was absolutely mortified. She must have given me about 200 condoms. 200! I don't know whether to feel disheartened at her impression of me or enthused that somebody could have that much faith in my pulling prowess. 200! I might not have self control but I most certainly do not need enough rubber to keep a tyre factory in business until the day I have enough inner strength to turn down a family sized bag of Giant Cadbury's Buttons i.e. it'll never, ever, happen.

I sort of feel like I've been given some sort of secret mission now, and my prescription will self-destruct after reading. Now I know I cannot be let out in public unaccompanied. At least not until you've locked up your husbands, sons and dogs, anyway.

Doctor's orders.


  1. I have the same problem with credit cards... only I don't say no.

    I have no words about what you doctor gave you though...

  2. LOL - you can always pass them out to others. Share the wealth, I say.


    Italy...oh boy, I can hardly wait for the stories.

  3. p.s. You have Dr. Pepper!!! This probably is not the best post on which to place this comment...oh, wow! I never could find any in Germany. When I was in London I didn't ask. I should have. :)

  4. When I was living in London, I got deathly ill after a flight from holiday in Portugal-- some kind of throat infection. I seriously thought I was going to die on the double decker riding down Bond Street trying to get to the clinic. I think the only thing that kept me alive was the thought of falling onto and touching the floor of the bus. It was terrible. Anyway, the doc put me on a super-strong two week round of antibiotics, which as any woman on the pill can tell you, will definitely lessen the pill's effectiveness. So the doctor pulled out a grocery-style plastic bag and filled it up with multi-colored condoms. I didn't have to buy any for years!

    Jealous of your summer in Italy!!

  5. oh wow!! i think i love you hahaha

    those credit card ppl just dont get it... and even when you give life stories on mass debt and broken hearts they confirm that are you sure you dont want one... HAVE U NOT BEEN LISTENING??? I cannot pay my current debt let alone more!!!!!

    good plan with the pizza, very wise to not re-infect! im totally going to steal that excuse and use it tonight!

    And i hate hate sex talks with doctors... no matter what you end up feeling like a 14 year old getting a lecture.. though i dont think they would give a 14 year old 100 condoms haha

    Awesome post!!

  6. The only thing I can think to do:

    *sings while dancing*

    Go Laura, go Laura go, go Laura...

  7. Never say no to freebies, you can always share them with people you're out on the town with.

    I don't have a credit card either for the same reason, it would be way too dangerous.

    Oh and my boyfriend is safely in my bed so you can come out now. ;)

    Have fun in Italy!!

  8. Red- Yes, I struggled to respond to my doctor too!

    Jen- I fear there may be many, too...

    Scarlethue- well yes, I suppose at least I'm saving a few quid, eh?

    Al- thank you!

    Purest Green- I don't need encouragement!

    Marjolein- thank you sweetie! And it sounds like I'll be the 'go-to' gal for safe sex, won't I?!


  9. I love this and I want to be one of the first to buy your book when it comes out. Love your segues here -- but you do have adorable segues -- on how you went from bank credit to your hilarious intimate doctor chat. Oh, you are good, girl.

  10. Ian- You want to try having a face-to-face conversation with me! See if you can keep up with the flow then! x

  11. Young lads these days, if a girl admitted that she could not say no i would have dumped the credit card application and ask her out straight away.
    As for the rest of the post, i always thought that the idea of blogging anonymously, was so you could say things that would not normally say, but since you have started blogging under your own name its just got more and more personal.
    Will we be having a count down on the blog from 200?

  12. Brett- You see, I guess it worked the opposite for me. When I was girlwiththemask maybe I wanted people to like the character. Now I'm me anyone can take me or leave me! And no, there won't be a count down. (although a 365 to 200 could be interesting...!)

  13. Pizza is such the way forward when poorly - feed a cold and starve a fever is what my nan always says, along with: If you can't be good be careful!
    THink of the money you have saved today - 200 freebies and a debt free future. Good going I say.

  14. Jo- Yeah! I did okay really, didn't I?! By the way, i like your nan's style! x

  15. Oh you made me laugh so much with this one, still just think of all uses you could put the 200 to - sculpture, you never know it could end up in a museum of modern art!

    Pizza is the way forward in any type of crisis and as for the credit cards, just say no!

  16. Funny! But the bag with the, um, you know... This lady was your doctor, so that bag must have been a perscription--was there anything written on the side, like "three time a day until gone; 2 refills" ?

  17. rather funny! LOVED YOUR BLOG!

  18. Mel- I cannot waste hem on a bloody sculpture! I have got more pressing mattersto attaend to!

    MikeH- your suggestion is so funny I actually just snorted.

    MelRox- awwww, thank you! Please come again!

  19. this was the funniest thing I've read in a very long time! I hope you don't mind that I'll be stalking -er- following you from now on!

  20. I think it was Madonna who said you have not really made it until you have a stalker...



  21. I once got pestered badly by a clipboard wielder, as I tried to walk past a well known clothes shop. She was one of those difficult to shake off people, who was not going to take no for an answer. Since I was bored and had arrived early, to meet up with friends, I relented and went through the entire rigmarole of signing up for the store credit card that she was offering. After she had spent about 20 minutes filling in the form and just at the point where I was expected to sign my life away, I asked her if I could use the store card to pay my shop lifting fines. She looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "I mean it!" I said "It's no good if I can't use it to pay off the fines". She ripped the form out of her clipboard and shredded it in front of me, asking me why I had wasted her time. I replied "Well you started it." The rest of her conversation was pretty much unprintable......

  22. Blacklog- ohmygosh! I cannot believe that you did that!

  23. Tag for you over at mine

  24. LJM What can I say, I was young and foolish then. Needless to say I've immatured quite nicely since....

    Disapointingly the clipboard weilder didn't keep in touch.

  25. Me too! I have a very hard time saying no. I wouldn't have been that strong at the bank, so you rock harder. And I want your doctor too, she sounds generous (maybe too scarcastic, I mean 200!!).

    If your Italian travels should take you to Rome, give me a buzz. We can meet over cappuccino and pretend to say no to pastries and chocolate.


  26. What she/he said - also are you ever coming back?

  27. i still have a deep embarrassment when buying condoms, still at the age of 25, 'yes i'm buying these to have sex with *blush*'

  28. wow this is awsome!!!LOOLOLZ funny storie


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