Lonely Hearts Ad.

This week I have been mostly thinking that it isn't a coincidence that everytime I type 'love' into my phone on a text message, predictive text sets it as 'live'.

Live instead of love. That is ominous for a single girl, and Apple should probably issue an emotional health-warning with their products. It feels a bit like a new-age magic eight ball.

Fortuitously though, my phone doesn't cleverly then comment on 'sex' and 'live'. I believe those two are synonymous, not exchangeable, you'll be pleased to know. Phew.

The iPhone answer to the question, "Yes, but will I ever find somebody crazy enough to love me again? I'm pushy, and bossy, and ambitious, and don't take any shit but have a tendency to give a bit and won't ever settle for anything less than I deserve which means that I'll never just talk about travelling the world and finding adventure and laughing at the good stuff and crying at the crappy stuff and just being OK not great, I'll actually go out and do it. WITH OR WITHOUT A BOY" would probably, at most, illicit a, 'Do I look like I care?' magic-eight ball response. And an award for the longest sentence ever written in the history of the world. Add 'verbose' to my list.

This week I have also been founding out that The Ex-Boyfriend is seeing an old girlfriend of mine. I knew it was coming because I had some crazy Italian woman read my cards back in the summer and she told me.

I am trying to take my phone's advice in wake of the actual news, rather than getting drunk on prossecco like I did when Crazy-Loo pissed me off by telling me that I'd be alone for a long time to come and wouldn't have a kid until 40. But it is incredibly difficult not to want to play Alanis Morriessette really loudly and swing between talking crap about them both and crying into a tub of cookie dough.

Mama's advice? "Fuck 'em". She is like Deepak Chopra on the other end of the Sykpe line.

The temptation to call either of them and infer some sort of superiority from the fact that whilst they, ensconced in couple-dom and those first heady throes of initial love (also known as the fuck-a-thon month) I am a ballsy, ambitious, intelligent and sassy single gal taking on the world and travelling the globe far and wide in search of said adventure instead of trying to hold in my stomach in case my new beau clues up that I am not Kate Moss, or going for three days without a poo because the other one might hear and realise that I am an actual human being. No, to do any of those would be immature and show a serious lack of self-awareness.

Instead, let me tell you about the time I peed on a kids tee shirt.

I confiscated Federico's tee shirt after it hit me in the face- not once but twice. During a game in the garden with me playing English tutor, he got hot and decided to do a Beckham.

(Ooooh, Beckham. Without a shirt. Stood with Robert Pattison. Without a shirt. And look! There are JLS and none of them are wearing tops either, and I think they are waving at me. They are! I think they want me to come over. Oh! Well THAT'S rude, JB... JB! Stop!)

(Oh, I'm sorry, excuse me. Where was I? Focus, focus, focus. Back to the peeing story)

(I just realised I've said 'poo' and 'pee' in a single blog post)

I tucked his tee shirt into the top of my shorts so that I still had my hands free to teach the kids, but sort of toward the back so that that it was out of my way. Then I forgot about it. Sat on the loo two hours later I only then remembered about it it when I looked down. I had peed on this kids shirt and DID NOT KNOW WHAT TO DO. I literally hopped around the bathroom in confusion.

I threw it in the sink ("Ewwww! My pee!") and blitzed it under the cold tap. Then I came to my senses, realised that I didn't really like the kid much anyway, and so I gave it him back.

There we go- another fascinating example of what any future boyfriend of mine might have in store. Hop abroad the crazy ship, fellas! Poo jokes come as standard!

Huh, well what do you know? Thinking about good old Feda really did just cheer me up.

I wonder if he has an older brother...


  1. Aahaha. This made me laugh. If it makes you feel any better, my phone's predictive text does the same thing. It's easy to say "being single is fun" from the other side of the singledom chasm... but do enjoy it! You never know when some kid with wee on his shirt will show up with an older brother... here's hoping!

  2. I don't actually want a boy right now... but it is sort of at the back of my mind that as and when I do decide I want one I might be quite unpalatable! I PEE ON KIDS TEE SHIRTS FOR CRYING OUT LOUD. x

  3. I love you girl and your wit. You would be such a prize for a guy who's is up for your wondrous spirit. This was so funny I almost peed myself. Wonderful to have you back here.

  4. Hahaha, that's brilliant and could only happen to you!!! :)

    Sorry to hear about the ex - that must suck.

  5. mrwriteon- amazing how bodily function talk can unite us all, isn't it! Thank you x

    P- I know, right?! The worst thing was how funny I found it when I rang mama to tell her... I'm sure I should have been more ashamed. x

  6. Wait, I'm taking it you explained away the drenched t-shirt. You didn't just say "I soaked your shirt in wee. Deal", right?

  7. When you're ready for a boy, you should move to the States. I relocated to NYC almost two years ago, and American men (well, the educated, successful ones that populate this city) are just...different. In a marvelous way. They assume that I'm ambitious and sassy and smart; it would be strange if I weren't. They're polite and treat me like a partner. I love it. Far superior to London, with its androgynous, drunk schoolboys...

  8. Are you already travelling now? Because I was single. Then I booked 8 months of travelling, then 2 weeks later I met a really nice bloke. Try it.

  9. hmmm...well your old girlfriend got "sloppy seconds".

    You'll have better stories to tell grandkids, and you'll be a better mom. I mean come on, "I peed on a kid's tee shirt" is SO much better than, "I dated a guy my friend used to date."

    If/when you have kids and they call with their own hilarity, you'll be able to share the moment with them.

    Ya know?

    You are so moving on towards bigger and better - and the right guy for you will challenge you, while celebrating who you are. Until then, follow the cell phone's advice: LIVE!

    How's that for Deepak Chopra? (You know, I don't even know who that is?) I have to admit...I agree with your mum.

    Kate Moss has nothing you.

  10. Huw- It's funny, but kids don't really ask questions... x

    Anon- Curiously enough, I'm Sates-bound in January for a good four months. Your advice seems especially relevant now... should I let the embassy know of my intentions for the hunt do you think? x

    PDEWYMO- Maybe as soon as I book my ticket for America (see above comment) the man of my dreams will turn up. But then again i live in derby, so maybe not. x

    Jen- YOU! Bless your golden heart. Deepak Chopra has nothing on YOU. Thank you sweetie. I love the internet- you guys are all so great. x

  11. Love to see how you go on regarding book publishing. Good luck.

  12. I've a little award for you! Details are on my blog.


  13. Not that it can make you feel better, but I never thought he sounded like he appreciated you anyway. Girl, you are so funny, you need a guy who can appreciate you.

  14. Jen- I've left you a thank you comment already, but... thank you!

    SAVanVleck- I love you. Thank you for saying nice things x


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