Quote, End Quote

Sat around the dinner table, we were talking about Verbose Auntie's daughter-in-law and her birth.

Verbose Auntie: But apparently she had to have a Cesarean because of the wrong positioning of her pevis, or some such. I don't really understand.

Mama: I had a Cesarean with the second one. Not the first time around though.

Me: Why did you have a Cesarean with Jack but not me?

Mum: He had a big head. (Thinks for a minute). Mind, you've got a massive head too, haven't you? Huge!

There is nothing like installing a bit of confidence into your children, is there?


  1. Ha ha,
    Your family deserves its own sit com. Your mothers timing and delivery seems to be impeccable!

  2. Steve- her head is the big one, so I might not mention that to her if that's okay... x

  3. I'd love to be a fly on the wall of your dining room so I could hear all the conversations.

  4. Ian- half the time I am mortified, the other half just plain embarrassed. Shall we switch places for a bit, then?


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