
What I wanted to write:

Laura Jane Williams

Likes: free drinks from cute boys, something pretty to look at, attention.

Dislikes: miserable fuckers.

Worst habit: unprotected casual sex. Just kidding! I nearly always make them wear a condom.

Secret crush: You. Yes. You.

Embarrassing moment: That time I couldn't remember his name.

Dream job: Pillow-fluffer to Billy Bob Thornton.

You might not know this but I'm... Willing to experiment.

My friends think I'm... too loud/rude/like a 14-year-old-girl/offensive/insensitive/too sassy/combative/forgetful/indiscreet.

What they made me write instead:

Laura Jane Williams

Likes: dancing like no-one is watching, free drinks, Veggie Lasagna Tuesdays, saying yes to life.

Dislikes: early mornings, cucumber, people that don't laugh at themselves.

Worst habit: using funny voices in everyday speech.

Secret crush: You. Yes. You.

Embarrassing moment: breaking my Italian host family's organic toilet after too much pasta.

Dream job: professional blogger.

You might not know it but I'm... travel-obsessed.

My friends think I'm... a wanderlust that never stays in one place.

I know which version I prefer. Just saying.


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