Shit. Gets. Serious.

I'm being told from several different directions right now that there is more to me than my vagina.

OH! Thats' not what the fella last night said!

And so. What with sort of wanting to be a proper grown-up writer and all- you know... One that lives in one place for more than eight months at a time and lets people actually stay the night rather than just the thirty-eight minutes it takes to have everybody get what they need. The sort of writer that might make money from their craft one day or at least not be looked at like Wagner from the X-Factor when they have finished reading aloud their piece (IT HAPPENED). The sort of girl who in general might actually begin to contemplate using the word career and who isn't mean to people with babies. Yeah. What with all that. I thought I'd share a grown-up piece.

Alternative title: Suicide Note.

But then I realised that probably isn't funny.

SEE. I am growing up.


  1. Okay, so you just made me cry.

    I hate you now.

  2. P- CRY?! I wasn't supposed to do that! Urm. Thank you, I think... and thank you for taking the time to tell me that you watched it. Oh! Emotional!


  3. Open a piece with a 'grabber', that is the mark of a writer, and then conclude with a cryptic statement. Equally effective. You are on your way my lovely girl.

  4. Seriously. You made me cry. Maybe I misinterpreted it or whatever but . . . then I AM a cryer. You should take it as a compliment anyway. :)

  5. Very Alan Bennett and so strange seeing you take after all these years just reading you, and what great eyes.

  6. Laura, fantastic as the first time. I love it... I remember the first time you performed it it was so emotional. I feel the same this time.

    The last thing to say is 'I really am sorry about those floral plates'

    Laura, with complete respect, I say this: 'Encore, ma cherie, Encore' (No, I don't know french lol).

  7. Ian- I'm not really sure what I'm doing, to be honest, but I'm trying. I'll always try! x

    P- such a strong emotion! I cry a lot too, though. X-Factor, that advert with the puppy, when I've run out of Nutella... it's all a kick-start! x

    Brett- and I shall take that compliment and RUN! Thank you x

    Simon- Thank you Simon, I really appreciate you taking the time to say something so supportive. Now I just have to wonder what to write about next, considering this whole 'no vagina' rule I've out on myself!


  8. I don't normally watch videos posted on blogs but I took the time out to watch this one and am very glad I did. Congratulations on being brave enough to get your work out there (as a grown-up!) and look forward to more.

  9. Ok, so gotta admit, that got me rather teary-eyed too.

    Although, it is late & I was sat on a coach for the best part of 19hrs today & I am tired & therefore that may well have contributed to my emotional response..

  10. Ok, so gotta admit, that got me rather teary-eyed too.

    Although, it is late & I was sat on a coach for the best part of 19hrs today & I am tired & therefore that may well have contributed to my emotional response..

  11. Bethany- well thank you very much! I do very much enjoy writing about rude things, but sometimes a challenge is nice. I'm a bit embarrassed about the size of my head on this vid... I'll have to watch that next time!

    HSB- Or maybe I am just a brilliant performance poet and even had you been well-rested and emotionally stabled would still have reduced you to blubbering waterfalls of tears? No? Oh. Okay then... I understand.


  12. Well we'll just have to see when you post more of your work, won't we? I look forward to it :)

    I obviously was tired. I apologise for posting that comment twice (& not even noticing) - & just to clarify, (not that anyone cares) I was actually only on the coach for 10 hours..!

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.


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