Quote, End Quote.

Me: Yup, I'll be right with you. I just need to go and pop a tampon in.

House of Pastelle: Laura, that's gross. Like, seriously.

And that was the story of how we found out where the line is.


  1. Ahahahaha! Reminds me of the day me and my teammates in work were discussing what sort of medical supplies we had between us in the office. They were like "I have painkillers", "I have plasters" . . . I said "I have tampons."

    I'm the only female in a team of six. It was met with an awkward silence...

  2. P- boys don't like to think of 'The Flood'. And it hurts me that that is also the name of Cheryl Cole's new single. Poor boys. x

  3. Happens to you, too, eh. Some people are just too precious.


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