There's the good, then there's the bad.

Last week was a difficult one in general, because I was all off-kilter after missing my Monday by being in Milan. Being a day behind meant that the rest of the week felt funny; playing catch-up for All Of The Times gave me a major case of the sads, because 'Being Tired and a Bit Grumpy' wasn't on my list for any of the days and yet featured in them all. See also: oh, boo-fucking-hoo that my weekend to the fashion capital of the world upset my self-made schedule for 5 days. OH THE TRAUMA. Anyway, my landlady was away last week too, and so as it was my turn to host the weekly Girls Night I have inadvertently become part of- sorority life having never been my thing- I played hostess for a dinner at home after work, even though my wet dream for the week boiled down to one thing and one thing only: sleep. And a meal salad. I'm really into meal salads right now. But I prefer it when somebody else makes it for me. It was just supposed to be a casual girly supper for three, act...