Just a little reflection on MY VAGINA.

Five weeks today I leave Rome. Five! 35 days. I’m not even sure how that
happened, except that maybe I am because evidently the time has flown in a mass
of crying in public over books, and eating all the things, and dating
inappropriate men because that is the story of my life, and oh hey!
Tradgi-comedy! I’M OVER HERE!

time also flew by doing things like farting in my Pilates instructor’s face.
Some of you have asked if I went back. The answer is no. No, I didn’t.

probably for the best that I am going, since students are rapidly finding this blog.
The first time I walked into class and an adult student said, “And so, what
about your website?’ I turned purple and swallowed hard and said, ‘My website?’
I think my reaction was indicative of a guilty conscience, but it turned out
that she had merely remembered that I had talked about writing online at a Media
Group my friend ran. She was just being polite.

weeks ago another grown-up student said, ‘I have been reading your stories.’
Only this time the student had actually been
reading about my vagina and poo and loathing of their home city, and two days
later another student told me the same thing. I think I’ve got about 5 weeks
before my boss tells me it is game over because I am predominantly the face of
the Children’s Department and it might make parents uncomfortable to know,
well, pretty much everything about me, BUT HA! By that time I’ll be on a train
north to go spend the summer teaching people how to be teachers and so see ya,

side-note: when teaching teachers how to be exactly that, I must cover the

one: don’t let students add you on Facebook.

two: Because like, d’uh.

I first moved here it is unthinkable to me that I stopped blogging in case what
I wrote would affect my position as a teacher. And then, even when I resumed
sharing stories about THIS FUCKING CITY I blocked any trace of it from
colleagues on Facebook and Twitter and Pinterest and whenever somebody asked me
about the book I am working on I would wave a hand dismissively and vaguely
say, ‘A comedy.’

first time I told a colleague it was actually about my vagina she shrugged and
said, ‘I’m about as unsurprised as I was when Ricky Martin came out as gay.’

this secretive I-just-got-a-proper-job behaviour to Tuesday afternoon, wherein
I had three colleagues reading through the first chapters of that manuscript
about my vagina, openly discussing the merits various synonyms I have adapted
for the purpose of variation, and laughing out loud about stories of burning my
minge in a tancab and seducing near-on minors for sport.

could say I’ve come a long way in terms of what I reveal about myself to the

that’s the funny thing. I’m happy for strangers to read about me on the
internet, and people I already know to read me on the internet, and what I
write on the internet is exactly what I say and do and as behave in actual
day-to-day reality (I KNOW.) But there is a gap with people I meet offline for
the first-time and telling them about what I do.

had a new teacher at school start yesterday, and she overheard a conversation
about my manuscript and she said, ‘Oh! You write! Wonderful. What is your book

And I
smiled, and the colleagues around me laughed, and I said, whilst waving my hand
dismissively, ‘It’s a comedy.’

I took a breath and declared, right there in the staff room, ‘It’s a sex

after I said that I knew: I totally have to leave before I get fired. I’m a
kid’s teacher, for GaGa’s sake.



  1. When I've not got any time to spare I always seem to find you have posted a new post and have to read it, always well worth it thought.

  2. Do you even know how much I wish I was one of those people allowed to read the first chapters ?

    And do those people even know how lucky they were ?

    So are you heading back to England ? Should I start looking at hats on ebay ?

  3. Just read back your comments to my comments, I am going to order the book now. Glad you liked the astrology site, when I had the bought version I used it to give friends charts for their birthdays.
    After I'd had a read and knew all their darkest psychological secrets.

    But I am curious, what's your sun & moons signs and ascendant ?

  4. @brett urm, thanks? I think!

    @dirtycowgirl sun in gemini, moon in scorpio... and yes, I'm moving to london (probably. maybe.) HATS IT IS.


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