Becoming Heather Taylor Portmann
It was so weird for me to edit this week's The Becoming Podcast, because there's a chunk in the middle about "burnout", but I've only just become aware of my own fizzling out. I knew the clues were there, hidden away around corners and under things, but in this interview, recorded weeks ago, now, I find myself casually talking about burnout and laughing lightly and maybe, actually, this is when the seed was first planted. Where I first began to understand. Talking to my friend, recorded over Skype, because she has the kind of brain that lets you see yourself without scaring yourself. Heather makes me understand so much. I had to share her with you. Listening again, now, I'm reminded of the good fortune in having friends as smart as this. Friends who help me to navigate my becoming like they do. I hope she'll help you navigate the same. And so, here's episode two of The Becoming Podcast:
Becoming Heather Taylor Portmann

I talk to Heather about taking up space at work, what to do when your boss makes you cry, burnout and how to avoid it, getting the feedback we need in the ways that we need it, social contracts, being junior in the office, and... her nan. All the interviews for this series were my favourites, obvs, but WOW listening back to this one was like *heart-eyes emoji what a fucking clever women*.
Wise words from Heather's incomparable brain include:
“Being your own best friend is one thing, but at work sometimes you have to be your own executive coach”
“Women shouting about their accomplishments isn’t seen as normal... but... refuse to take up less space.”
“Seeking out what’s best for the group isn’t always what is best for us”
“Articulating a need for affirmation is totally okay!”
“If you feel like you’re not making an impact at work, what are your side projects that do light your fire?”
And things Heather mentions//would like you to know:
This research on millennial women leaving the workplace
Happy listening! And yay! I'm now on itunes - search for "The Becoming Podcast", and hit "subscribe" for automatic updates. Bon weekend!
What is your experience of becoming through the work you do? Tell me on Twitter using #thisismybecoming, or email me up to 1,000 words for the chance to tell your story here on Superlatively Rude. I’m on and will host my favourites over the next few months
*strong arm emoji*
The Becoming Podcast theme music is by the incomparable Charlotte Carpenter, from her forthcoming EP How Are We Ever To Know
Oh - and don't forget to pre-order your copy of Becoming! It's down from £16.99 to £12.85 here. It's also on Amazon and Waterstone's.
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