Irritant of the Day No. 1

America, when you are amused by something, why do you stare me in the eye with the most pan-faced expression known to man and say emotionlessly, "Ohmygod. That is so funny,"?

Try just laughing next time. It's like talking to a botoxed frog.


  1. OhMyGod Laura, Your blog is so funny. x

  2. Oh my god Laura that is so funny already! :)

  3. Cal- Ohmygod.

    Steve- You can't use an exclamation point! What would the Americans say?

  4. OMG OMG OMG Laura, you're right, OMG you are so funny OMG AWESOME

  5. Have you seen the Scrubs episode where JD actually dumps a girl (Mandy Moore) because she keeps saying "that's so funny" instead of laughing?

  6. Weird that, I agree. But, I'm Canadian so I can't directly relate. Actually Canadians cannot directly relate to a great deal, much to my personal mortification.

  7. mrwriteon

    that is so very funny.....really.


  8. Was the person you were talking to an internet addict?

    Because occasionally I find myself saying "lol" instead of actually laughing. And I blame the internet for that...

  9. Steve- much better.

    Kirsty- no, but that seems like a wise choice.

    Ian- but i love you Canadians!

    P- you should be shot. Do you know that? Shot.


  10. Ya know, this is what I love about you being in America: you mock them for all the ridiculous things they actually do! I love your suggestion too. I wonder if I could pull off a botoxed frog....

  11. It isn't just an American thing. Here it is son does it and he's old enough to know better-I've given up telling him jokes.

    Have a nice day...aaaagheeeegoodgrief!

  12. Rachel- I mock them because I love them. I want to live here forever.

    Moannie- Smack your son upside the head for such ridiculous reactions to your jokes. Do it for me, and for America.


  13. I can't read your blog anymore. It is giving me a complex.

  14. Jen R. NO WAIT! COME BACK! I love you guys!


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