Dear Stephenie Meyer,
Look. Let’s just get this straight before we start: I love your books. No, I’m not a 14 year old girl with only a pillow to keep warm at night. No, I don’t fantasise about one day being rescued by a beautiful man who will find all of me and my (many) flaws so irresistible that he might save me from myself (monster that I am). No, I don’t wake up every morning and wonder, What can I do to make a boy like me today?
And thank God.
Because if I was said fourteen year old then I’d be in danger of thinking that all it takes in this life to be happy is a teenage wedding to get that which (of course) we all dream of: a husband and a baby and a cottage in the woods.
Seriously Stephanie? This is the message you are going to send to the post-Spice Girl generation?
Thank goodness Edward Cullen was a great shag is all I can say- even my own mother told me not to wait until my wedding night because I’d only be disappointed. Can you imagine if he couldn’t get it up? If he was simply so very, very bad that no amount of gentle guidance could have him find what he was there to find? Nobody wants a bad fuck for the rest of all eternity, let alone on the first night. You are supposed to try on a pair of sling-backs before you buy them. Bella could spend the rest of her marriage (i.e. FOREVER) locked in the family bathroom frigging herself off in frustration. I know I would.
In a study I just made up, statistics prove that with any marriage wherein the bride is 32 or younger divorce is almost guaranteed within ten years. Statistically speaking then, Edward Cullen is most definitely going to find somebody younger, with better smelling blood, and Bella Cullen is going to be left as a single mum with no education and no discernable skills other than first-hand experience on how to monumentally screw up your future FOR THE REST OF ALL TIME.
She might find another Vampire to take her and her ridiculously named kid on (I’m sorry. I know what it is like for somebody to insult your baby name and it’s not normally cricket, but RENESME? Fuck right off) and then she’ll just be at another man’s mercy. Because Bella will have no way to support herself and won’t know her new adult-self well enough to navigate these tricky times. Last time Edward left she jumped off a cliff. Mentally healthy much?
Because don’t forget- Bella doesn’t even have her own kinship in your story. Edward’s family become her family, Edward’s friends her own. She doesn’t have her own community of friends and neighbours and you make that seem okay. Who will she turn to when it doesn’t work out? A cliff top, apparently.
I’m sorry to be so blunt Stephanie, but honey: you’ve done your teenage readers a huge disservice. Next time, keep it real and ask yourself: what would Lady GaGa do?
Laura Jane Williams
LOVED THIS! You rock.
ReplyDeleteThanks to P linking this on twitter i also love it. Superb (even if you did like the books)
ReplyDeleteP- I try, I try. But seriously- tell me I'm not wrong?!
ReplyDeleteLizSara- Yeah, thanks P! And what can I say? I'm a sucker for a bit of teen angst...
Have a great day, ladies!
That's what I was wondering after seeing the second movie-- she's like, what, sixteen or seventeen, and we're supposed to be happy that he just proposed to her? RUN THE FUCK AWAY, GIRL. I thought I was completely in love with my high school boyfriend, that we'd get married and live happily ever after. Then I grew up and realized he was not at ALL the right guy for me. It's completely ridiculous to tell teenage girls this is the right way to live.
ReplyDeleteAbsolutely brilliant! I hope Stephenie Meyer reads this. I really really do. xxx
ReplyDeleteGreat stuff. I think you should email her this asap.
Liz Gilbert could throw you a few stats for this as well.
Peace out -
J Dawg x
Yeah, I'm gonna have to make sure my tiny list of followers follow YOU! This was hilarious!!
ReplyDeletescarlethue- EXACTLY. My sentiments exactly.
ReplyDeleteCal- errrr.... I wouldn't want to make her cry or anything. Her fuck-up was pretty monumental...
J- yeah, I actually read Gilbert's 'Committed' and was inspired by a lot of what she said. Well spotted!
Camille- well thank you very much my sweet! That's wonderful! Hi Camille's followers!