Dipping a toe in the pool of modern existentialism.

'I said no to a party,' I bemoaned.

'You said no to a party?' she replied.

'Uh-huh. Straight out said no. Who says no to a party?

'You do.'

'Well I know. But I don't want to be the person that says no to a party.'

'That's a bit of a condundrum then.'

And you see, the thing is this. I'm 25. I just graduated. I have two student overdrafts yet to be paid off and so my pay check isn't my own. I work as a conversation teacher and move classrooms on an hourly basis. I SHARE A BEDROOM. I didn't want a party because the apartment is structured so that our room would once have been the main living space. So it's huge. Party huge. Thing is, if we opened up our apartment for a party we'd have to use our room, and ultimately there would then be people in my bedroom which means in just a short hop, skip and jump there'd be people on my bed. And that bed? IT IS THE ONLY THING IN THE WHOLE ENTIRE UNIVERSE THAT BELONGS ONLY TO ME.

Except that it doesn't, because I rent and I borrowed the bedding off of a work colleague. So I don't even own that.

And then I remembered.

This small space on the internet, right here where you are reading? I own this. And so, maybe leaving in such haste was a mistake. Because this is my kingdom. This is where I belong. This is mine.

So errrrm, what I'm saying is... can we have a do-over?


  1. Knew you would be back, you just have no self control (going on past form as quoted on here).

  2. Not only do I have no self-control, Brett, but I am also a shameless exhibitionist to whom it is vastly important to parade her shameful spoils. It's disgusting, really.

  3. Is this where we get to have make-up sex ?

  4. Well... WELCOME HOME BABES!!!!! ;-)
    Make up sex all the way! LOL

  5. Okay, I forgive you.

    This time.

    No more chances though...

  6. @Urbanvox THANKS BABES.

    @P I won't screw this up again. I promise.

  7. I knew you couldn't leave us for too long.

    With that insightful comment I shall join the queue for the make up sex. :p

  8. @theperpetualspiral It's starts in Bognor Regis!

  9. Love you being back


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