The Unbearable Lightness of Celibacy.

I believe in the serendipitous nature of books. They come to you when you are ripe for their offers , like secrets looking for understanding ears, or eyes searching out the good in a very bad man. The Unbearable Lightness of Being by Milan Kundera came to me four months into a yearlong vow of celibacy, and it came to me for a reason. Because yes. You read that right. The Vagina Girl ain’t having sex this year. I didn’t want to tell you, Internet, because I know that the moment I say ‘Look ma! No hands!’ Mr. Wonderful will present himself to me and I will have to cross my legs and eat another cream cake instead of shamelessly pursuing him as per my modus operandi . And I promise it isn’t a trick I’ve told the universe so that said bloke presents himself and then I can say ‘sod it’ and proceed to climb him like a tree like, huh ? What vow? No. I decided to opt-out of the game for a bit to do thinking about the decisions I have been making with boys for, oh, I don’t know . THE PAST TEN ...