For Women Who Are Difficult To Love

photo @superlativelyLJ Oh I have missed you, my love , she concludes, at the end of LEMONADE , and with it I cried heavy, loaded, sobs of relief, because I have missed you, too. I thought she was talking about her husband, at first. That she was coming back to him after an affair, ready, after many tears and so much anger, to try again. I don’t think she does mean that, though, and the realisation, when it hit, is what had the emotion push for escape. I think she has missed herself. I think she is tired and renewed, broken and healed at the same time, and that’s because she’s willing to slice open – wrist to elbow - and bleed in the name of truth. And I also think she has only just learnt that doing this once isn’t enough. That our becoming is endless. That the work of humanness is exhausting, and it is beautiful, and it is true for all of us that growing pains do, indeed, hurt. Nobody is immune. Hero-worship is so very dangerous when we think they have the answer to everything it ...