Reflections of an American Convert

Nearly a week after landing back in the YUK, I'm sort of getting all reflective, and a bit soppy, and all that other stuff that one does after a big adventure. It's funny how I even ended up putting my (to be honest, rather uneventful) life on hold for a while and flying halfway across the world to abuse my accent enough to get laid. Well, enough to get a free drink at least. I had a job teaching English as a foreign language last year . It was in Italy, and smug bitch that I am I got a week on the Italian Riviera with a hundred other tutors to learn exactly how to get nine year old kids to pay attention to a rousing rendition of “Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes.” (Tip: often it involves candy, and even more often suggestions of violence.) Thing is, I was the only British chick there. There were two British guys- one chap who had forgotten to pack his personality, and a flamboyant gay from Nottingham who had bigger fish to fry than little old me- and everybody else was FOREIG...