"Yes, but was your bum clean?" said Mum.
Look. This is gross, and I know it, and I’m sorry I even told you already BUT do you know what? Once you get past the gross, it’s actually kinda funny. BUT yes, I am still single and no, I no longer question myself why that might be so. BUT I will continue to say poop and vagina on the daily. I'm kinda built that way. There was a boy. Well, a man actually. DETAILS. We made plans. Drinks were to be had, conversation to be made, flirting to be undertaken. Totally normal. BUT. BUT. BUT. The day before our date I found out that Rome was staging another transport strike. The metro and bus was to run between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. only. I needed the bus to get home. It would take three days to walk. OH NO! I thought, when I found out, I’LL HAVE TO CANCEL. And my friend was all, JUST STAY AT HIS and I was like, WELL I KIND OF GUESSED IT WOULD GO THAT WAY BUT I CAN’T RELY ON IT and she was all YOU’VE FAILED IF YOU DON’T SCREW HIM and I was all IT’S A SCHOOL NIGHT and in the end I decided that ...